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Honorary Professorhip for Maorong Ge

Maorong Ge , group leader in Section 1.1, has been appointed as new Honorary Professor for Real-Time Positioning and Multisensor Navigationat Technische Universität Berlin. Maorong Ge conducts research in the field of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) precise positioning services and its augmentation technology, such as using dense Low Earth Orbit satellite constellations and multi-sensor fusion.
Section 1.1 of GFZ plays a very important role in the International GNSS Service (IGS) by operationally generating high-precision GNSS satellite orbit and clock products in both real-time and post-mission mode, besides contributing continuous data of 23 GNSS stations distributed all over the world. As one of the IGS real-time Analysis Centres, the group around Maorong Ge is in charge of providing real-time products to IGS. It is also running GFZ real-time precise positioning services for geohazard early warning systems and for positioning and orientating of Earth Observing System platforms. Harald Schuh, Director of Department 1 and Head of Section 1.1, praises the work of Maorong Ge: "He has had a decisive influence on GNSS developments at the GFZ for many years and his high level of competence and worldwide reputation make him a centre of attraction and crystallization for numerous foreign scientists“.

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Prof. Dr. Maorong Ge, Honorary for Real-Time Positioning and Multisensor Navigation, Vice President for Research, Appointment Strategy, Knowledge & Technology Transfer at the Technical University of Berlin.
